Klutz: LEGO Make Your Own Movie

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- Lights . . . camera . . . action! Bring your LEGO minifigures to life with this beginner-friendly guide to stop-motion animation.
- Ten Mini Movies walk you through using your phone, tablet, or computer to make short, funny clips with step-by-step instructions.
- Set the stage with any of the six included background settings and thirty-six LEGO elements including a pizza, banana, baseball cap, six minifigure heads, and more! Plus, learn the tricks of the trade as you dive into more advanced skills, such as lighting, sound effects, and camera angles.
- With these tips and tricks, every movie you make is guaranteed to be a successful smash hit.
Product Code: 9781338137200
on 2022-07-24
كتاب ممتع ومفيد أسهل طريقة لتعليم الأطفال صنع أفلام LEGO.
on 2022-03-22
Fantastic product! It's a great way to engage kids in creative storytelling with LEGO.
on 2022-03-11
My son loves making his own LEGO movies with this kit. It's educational and fun!
on 2019-09-16
شراء موفق، تعليم رائع ومشوق للأطفال، أنصح به بشدة.
on 2019-07-04
كتاب ممتاز يعلم الأطفال كيف يصنعون أفلام LEGO بأسلوب ممتع وسهل.
on 2018-11-11
أبنائي استمتعوا كثيرًا بصناعة أفلامهم الخاصة باستخدام LEGO، شرح مميز ومفيد جدًا.
on 2017-12-31
كتاب رائع يحفز الإبداع عند الأطفال ويساعدهم على تطوير مهاراتهم في صناعة الأفلام.
on 2017-07-21
Easy-to-follow instructions, perfect for sparking creativity in children. Highly recommended!