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Nursan Sotra 3: Areen Al-Thalam 128 Pages

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Recommended Age: 13+ Years

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Norsan takes his father and siblings across the sea to the island of Seven Dangers to escape the onslaught of Tamadamara that almost claimed their lives. In an interview with his father and the captain who left for the island previously, he discovered that there were people who trusted them and considered them friends, and in fact they belonged to the Dark Knights! The captain refuses to approach the island for fear of its dangers, so Norsan tries to transfer his family to it through his superpowers, but he cannot concentrate so he fails! He alone moves to the old family home without knowing what happened to others. He sees the multiplication of the house through his superior abilities, facts and memories that he did not know before, then goes out to the town and gets to know people through whom he discovers that he has relatives who have defected from the team and return his father and mother, so he tries to risk his family in order to help him to escape and move to them, so the soldiers attack them, and he is thrown in The detainee.

Product Code: 9789948026921

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