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Epica Skin Care Serum

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Recommended Age: For women

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10% Vitamin C and Vitamin E Capsule

Vitamin C is the perfect solution with existing wrinkles and fine lines. It activates and supports collagen synthesis and stimulates elastin production, thereby tightening the skin in a short time.
This collagen boost ensures a visibly younger appearance. At the same time, the skin is moisturized, which additionally tightens wrinkles and makes the skin softer and smoother. Vitamin C vitalizes the skin and provides a radiant, fresh complexion throughout the day.

Vitamins are an essential part of skincare, however when these are used in skin creams, the levels of vitamins degrade overtime after being exposed to air and light.
Epica® Potent Vitamin C and E Capsule have therefore been designed to protect the single-dose unit of serum from all environmental factors, allowing for a potent level of active vitamins to be applied, creating a real difference to the appearance of our skin.
This High potency topical vitamin C, vitamin E and vitamin C microssponge® product delivers highly concentrated and effective amounts of active ingredients to the skin for optimum results.
The scientifically designed and proved formulation combines the power of pure vitamin C and vitamin E to improve over all skin conditions.

Pure 10% Vitamin C
(ascorbic acid)

helps protect the skin; the antioxidant properties have beneficial effects on skin cells helping them regenerate and stop low levels of UV damage. Ascorbic acid plays a vital role in collagen synthesis enabling cells to be rejuvenated allowing for much brighter, even complexions.

Vitamin E

moisturizing agent and strong antioxidant, which has a synergistic effect in combination with vitamin C.

(Butylated hydroxytoluene)

potent anti-oxidant with photo protective properties.

Product Code: 0745760620401
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Verified purchase Iman

on 2022-12-05

Very good product, u must try it, smooths the lines, hydrates the skin, with our leaving a layer