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كلاسيكيات الدعسوقة: الجمال الأسود

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اضافة لقائمة الهدايا
حالة التوفر: نفد من المخزون
العمر الموصى به: 3+ سنوات

اقرأي الوصف كامل


This beautiful hardback Ladybird Classic edition of Black Beauty by Anna Sewell is a perfect first illustrated introduction to the classic horse story for younger readers.It has been sensitively abridged and retold to make it suitable for sharing with young children from 5+, whilst retaining all the key parts of the story including Black Beauty's friendship with Ginger, his treatment at the hands of his owners, and fascinating historical detail about how how horses had many different uses in the days before cars. Detailed full-colour illustrations throughout also help to bring this classic tale to life. Other exciting titles in the Ladybird Classics series include Alice in Wonderland, Gulliver's Travels, The Secret Garden, Oliver Twist and Treasure Island. 

رقم الموديل : 9781409311249
شاهدي الجميع


4.4 من 5

9 تقييمات

4 نجوم


5 نجوم



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